Canada committed to reducing its green-house gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by 2050. No clean energy transition exists without mining. To power the accelerated global transition to wind, solar, nuclear and vehicle electrification, it is estimated that production of critical minerals required for these processes must increase by nearly 500% over the next 30 years. Most ‘near surface’ critical minerals have already been extracted. We must find new sources of these essential ingredients in ‘sub-surface’ locations, some of which are up to one kilometre beneath the surface of the earth.
Ideon Technologies is transforming subsurface discovery to accelerate the world’s transition to low-impact mining. The company has developed the Ideon Discovery Platform™ to help locate potential critical mineral deposits deep beneath the Earth’s surface.
Using the Discovery Platform that is being advanced through the Earth X-ray for Low-Impact Mining project consortium, mining companies reduce ‘hit-and-miss’ drilling and the associated environmental impacts. Increased locational accuracy decreases costs and increases yields across the mining value chain. Fireweed Metals and BHP are accelerating time to market for this technology through active testing and field deployments of the technology platform components.
The Digital Supercluster ecosystem is helping Ideon rapidly scale its business and product roadmap. Working with the best from academia, industry and technology, the company is on track to deliver four years of innovation and product development in two years. The intellectual property from the project will significantly advance environmentally sustainable resource management.
Ideon’s Discovery Platform has applications that extend beyond mining, including national security, oil and gas, carbon sequestration, and critical infrastructure. It was also recently featured on The History Channel’s long-running hit reality show The Curse of Oak Island. Currently, more than a dozen detectors are positioned on the island, continuously streaming data back to the Ideon labs in British Columbia.

“The Digital Supercluster provides a unique and powerful framework for consortium-based innovation, one that amplifies the contribution of academia, industry, and SMEs, in a way that challenges us all to think bigger about our impact in Canada, and on the world. Our consortium will deliver so much more than the sum of its parts — outcomes that would simply be impossible on our own. We can be bolder, faster and more innovative, by approaching the challenge together.”
CEO and Co-Founder of Ideon Technologies