
Call for Proposals in Quantum Commercialization

This program is now fully committed.

Capturing economic potential of Canadian-owned quantum solutions.

As part of joint programming with NGen Canada, DIGITAL will co-invest $7 million of funds from the Commercialization Pillar of the National Quantum Strategy, alongside industry, that will result in more than $15 million of new investment in the commercialization and adoption of innovative quantum technology solutions. By co-investing in 3 to 4 ambitious projects that address global challenges, Canadian companies will scale-up by seizing new commercial opportunities and gaining market adoption of quantum technology solutions within Canada and in international markets.

This Quantum Commercialization program will focus on the adoption of the following categories of quantum technologies:


  • Quantum Sensors: The Quantum Sensors mission seeks to enable the Government of Canada and key industries to be developers and early adopters of new quantum sensing technologies.
  • Quantum Communications: The Quantum Communications mission intends to ensure the privacy and cyber-security of Canadians in a quantum-enabled world through a national secure quantum communications network and a post-quantum cryptography initiative.
  • Quantum Computers & Software: The Quantum Computers and Software mission aims to make Canada a world leader in the continued development, deployment and use of quantum computing hardware and software to the benefit of Canadian industry, governments and citizens.

This program goes beyond research and development to focus on alleviating critical business problems. The goal is to test
quantum solutions to business-relevant problems in real conditions, piloting solutions within business units who will benefit directly from Canadian-made innovations. DIGITAL projects focused on the above categories of quantum technologies should be focused on alleviating critical business problems with pilot solutions and engaging target adopter customers within the following commercial applications described below.

Selected Projects

($7M Co-Investment Committed)

Full Project Proposals in Development

($0M Co-Investment Ask)

Expressions of Interest in Development

($0M Co-Investment Ask)

Progress as of September 23, 2024

Total Investment Committed
Digital Co-Investment Committed
Total Digital Co-Investment

DIGITAL’s co-investment is competitively distributed across projects that demonstrate high potential and evaluation against the goals of our programs.


Safety & Security

Using quantum technologies to harden networks, algorithms and processes to improve security, safety and privacy protection.

Examples of application areas include, but are not limited to:

  1. Healthcare
  2. Utilities
  3. Critical service providers

Operations & Logistics

Using quantum technologies to reduce the costs and uncertainty of operations in complex environments by making the best data-driven decisions.

Examples of application areas include, but are not limited to:

  1. Healthcare
  2. Natural resources

Material & Chemical Discovery

Using quantum technologies to accelerate the inefficient and costly trial-and-error processes used to research and develop new molecular formulations needed for better performing electric vehicles and to treat diseases.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  1. Sustainable chemistries
  2. Life sciences & biotechnology

Successful projects will: 

  • Aim to commercialize quantum technology solutions with early adopter customers and address well-defined problems in the Areas of Interest described above.
  • Have a minimum total cost of $3M and be completed before December 31, 2027.
  • Must deliver quantifiable benefits for Canada and benefits must accrue to more than a single organization.
  • Be incremental to the regular business undertakings of any of the individual participating organizations.
  • Be enabled by a consortium of at least three organizations that is industry-led, with the lead organization acting as the commercialization entity for the quantum technology solution. While all types of organizations, including those located outside of Canada, are encouraged to participate in a project consortium, the consortium must include the the participation of at least one Canadian SME. Participation of a research or post-secondary academic institution is strongly encouraged.
  • Drive the creation of new intellectual property that is owned by Canadian entities that have substantial operations in Canada.
  • Meet the other eligibility requirements and have a high scoring against the Evaluation Criteria cited in the respective Program Guide.  

We emphasize a collaborative approach to innovation where groups of complementary organizations work together to build stronger, more powerful solutions to big problems. As such, proposed projects are expected to have solid alignment with our Areas of Interest and the right mix of organizational capabilities to meet our program objectives of innovation, commercialization and benefits to Canada.  

After reviewing the program guidelines, you may submit your project concept through the link to the right. Only qualified applicants will be invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). 

This program is currently closed for proposal submissions.

Upon request, we are available to help potential applicants further understand the objectives of this call for proposals and the eligibility criteria for a proposed project. Please email our team at proposal-support@digitalsupercluster.ca